Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Mrs Shahid's Durood Pak Journey

                Durood Pak Journey # 1                 

Mrs Shahid's Durood Pak Journey

I have been thinking for days as to what to write in this journey. For me, this journey hasn't started yet. I feel like a toddler who's learning to walk, stumbling, then again finding the courage to stand up, taking a few steps and then falling again. But the person who has asked me to write about it can't be refused.
It is such a blessed journey that even thinking about it makes one feel happy. I don't remember exactly when I started reciting Durood Pak on daily basis. Perhaps it was before my wedding that I did make an effort to read it '1 lakh" times and I was not successful. I was the person who loved music. and I used to listen to radio as headsets and taper recorders were not that cheap then. so a radio was with me wherever I went, even while studying I used to turn it low but not off. Music was my passion and I knew the names of songs, both old and new quite well. As time progressed and studies came to an end, I joined college as a lecturer. I had a colleague who used to read the names of Allah while travelling on her fingers. As college was not far from my house and I used to walk so I also thought of doing something like this and started reading names of Allah. By that time I was not aware of the uncountable blessings of Durood Shareef. Then I got engaged happily but my fiancée was struggling for a job then. so I used to pray for his job and settlement. It was then that I started reading Darood Pak. In the mean while my father got a heart problem and one of his heart veins had to be reopened through angioplasty. Alhamdulillah it went fine, and now it comes to mind that it might be the blessings of Darood Pak which took us out of this ordeal.
Anyhow, my fiancée did get a job in Karachi and later I got married to him. his family was in Islamabad. I left for Karachi with him and after a month his firm stopped their business in Karachi and we had to come back facing a lot of loss. After coming back I had to go through an abortion of three months pregnancy. Life seemed to be in a trouble. I tried to find a job but was not successful. My husband got a very good job in Islamabad later but then had to leave after a year as again the conditions were not favorable. It was then that I started this journey. During the day, there was not much time but before going to bed I had made it a point to read Durood Pak. I got pregnant the second time, and out of nowhere, I got a call from one of the best schools in the area to join them. Allah was paving my ways because of Darood Pak. I joined and got busy. Another turn came when my husband decided to come to Australia before our baby was born. I never wanted him to come but he had decided and he came. He came in January and my daughter was born in March two months after that. When I was giving birth to her, I remember reciting Darood Pak and praying whatever came to my mind.
By that time still, I was unaware of the blessings of this Name. Later, when my daughter was two and a half years old, I got a visa and came to my husband. For me, it was a miracle. I had never dreamed of it even. it was after coming here that I thought all about the past happenings and came to realize that unknowingly the blessings of Darood Pak had pulled me out at every step. Till then it was unknowingly, now I started it knowing and the more I knew about it the more I was mesmerized. How lucky we are to be gifted with such a blessing. The key to solution of the problems of this world and the guarantee of success in the next world. I noticed the blessings falling on me every day.
I, who was such a big lover of music stopped listening to it. instead spent my time reciting Darood Pak. I came across a whole new world of people. I joined 2 friends and came to know how I was still lacking behind.
When I came here I had to start life from zero. My daughter started stuttering because of cultural difference but Alhamdulillah she goes to school now and is settled. I used to recited Darood Pak and blew it on her food so that she could speak fluently and she does now Ma sha Allah.
Every day, little incidents remind me of the blessings of Durood Pak. I have noticed that if one keeps a target in mind and recited Durood Pak it is fulfilled no matter how great the hurdles are. Every day prayers are accepted and one notices it.
I always wanted a son and when I got pregnant the second time I only recited Durood Pak and Allah has blessed me with a boy. One never goes empty handed.
If we keep reciting Darood Pak we, no doubt, get the best of things and the best of people as well, like I met my old class fellows in an entire new way.
One never feels lonely. I still remember that at the time of maghrib my heart went so wild and upset. But ever since I have started reading Durood Pak I feel so contented.
I have experienced it that if we recited Darood Pak we ultimately stop worrying too much about our future. Allah blesses us with a strange peace of mind.
It's strange but ever since I started reading Durood Pak, I never lose things and if I do, I find them in some way. I dropped my gold ear ring in my daughter's school playground and her teacher found it and gave it to me. my daughter dropped her ear ring on a road, it was impossible to find it but it caught my eye. I often wonder at myself. Is it really me who is not listening to songs anymore?
My biggest inspiration is Mr Qudrat Ullah Shahab. Ever since I read Shahab Nama, things changed. He was my first regular introduction to this world and I came to know a lot by reading this book. I still love to read it. Later many such people and personalities inspire me. Hina and Sadaf are my inspirations. Darood Pak takes us out of troubles. The line of Naat
"Fakat un ﷺ  ka he waseela jo hamaisha kaam aya
Baray inkilab aye, wo tamam sir say guzray"
is so true.
We are ordinary human beings. If Allah wishes to put us in an ordeal we can't do anything. Allah is kind and Merciful and so He has given us Darood Pak to keep us going and face the troubles. Durood Pak is a strength, a weapon, a connection, a remedy for nightmares, a blessing.
I am no one. Not even a traveler of this road as I still struggle to recite it but still I feel lucky at least to have realized the blessings of it. One day In sha Allah I will also be a traveler of this road and it will guide me through all the ordeals of this and the next world.
My journey is yet to start but at least I am getting connected to people who keep me motivated and I am so thankful to them. I still miss to read it but somehow never forget. Darood Pak is a miracle of all ages and one day In Sha Allah when I will go to Madina and still before the prophet صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ واٰلہٖ وَسَلَّمْ, my hands won't be empty. They will be holding flowers of Durood Pak and I will not be a stranger there.


  1. ما شا الله .. how inspiring ... how moving... May Allah Kareem bless you with Qurb of آقا ﺻَﻠَّﯽ ﺍﻟﻠَّﻪُ ﻋَﻠَﯿْﮧِ ﻭَﺍٰﻟِﻪ ﻭَﺳَﻠَّﻢ ...may your connection with darood o Salam become more and more strong sis and may it gets transferred to your generations to come. آمین یارب العالمین بجاہ النبی الآمینﷺ

  2. Mashallah ,, may Allah bless you more,, its too inspiring,, lots of things happen in life on time,, and that is one of them for me to read your inspirational story😊

    1. Ma sha Allah... May Allah Pak bless you :) Jazakillah khair.
