Friday, November 26, 2021

Gin kr Durood pak wird kerna

*بہت سارے لوگوں کے ذہنوں میں یہ بات ہوتی کہ ہمیں گن کر درود پاک نہیں پڑهنا چائیے بلکہ لا تعداد درود پاک پڑهنا چائیے. 
اللہ کے نیک بندے جنکا کوئی سانس کوئی پل۔زکر۔و۔درود۔سے خالی نہی ھوتا انکے لیے تو ٹھیک ۔۔۔ورنہ تو یہ شیطان کا سب سے سخت وسوسہ ہے دیکهیں اسے ہماری روحانیت کا پتہ ہے.اسےمعلوم ہے.کہ یہ شخص اتنا نیک نہیں ہے.کہ سارا دن ذکر اللہ کرتا رہے گااسے معلوم ہے اگر یہ بغیر گنے درود پاک پڑهے گاتو تهوڑی دیر درود پاک پڑهے گا.پهر کسی کام میں مصروف ہو جائے گاکسی کے ساتھ باتوں میں مشغول ہو جائے گا.اس کا درود پاک کم پڑها جائے گا.اسے معلوم ہے اگر اس نے گن کر درود پاک پڑهاتب تو یہ تعداد فکس کر لے گا.تو اب تب تک یہ چین سے نہیں بیٹهے گا.جب تک اپنا فکس کی ہوئی تعداد پوری نہ کر لے.تب تک سوئے گا نہیں جب تک اپنا دن بهر کا وظیفہ نہ پورا کرلےاور گن کر پڑهناہمارے پیارےآقانبی پاکﷺ کی سنت مبارکہ ہےاحیا العلوم جلد اول صفحہ نمبر 900 پر حضرت امام محمد بن غزالی رحمتہ اللہ تعالیٰ علیہ حضرت عبد اللہ بن عمر رضی اللہ تعالیٰ عنہ سےیہ روایت نقل کرتے ہیں کہ حضرت عبد اللہ بن عمر رضی اللہ تعالیٰ عنہ فرماتے ہیں کی سرکار گن کر وظائف پڑها کرتے تهے.اور ہمارے بہت سارے بزرگان رحمتہ اللہ علیہ کا طریقہ چلا آیا ہے کہ وہ گن کر ذکر و ازکار پڑها کرتے تهے.*

عشق النبی صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ واٰلہٖ وَسَلَّمْ


  1. Assalamualaikum everyone.This is not my actual name, don't want to reveal my actual name. let me share my personal life miracles witnessed by the blessings of durood shareef.
    the purpose of this information is just to motivate all of you towards durood shareef.
    there was a time in my life in the end of 2005 that suddenly i started reciting durood shareef continuously for the entire day. eventhough i was college student, i used to recite even while walking, moving, riding, may be around 25,000 or even more daily. nobody knew about this because i used to recite with my mouth closed so that my lip movement wasn't revealed to anyone.
    time passed by, i had very tough times in life regarding family issues, even job search because i am not talented. in the year 2010, almost after 5 years suddenly i started thinking that Rasoolallah sallahualaihiwasallam might not be listening to my durood shareef as there are many others in the world who recite more, so i don't hold any status in front of those fortunate people. one day suddenly i stopped reciting durood shareef.
    time passed by and i was passing through tough phases of my life and my family as well. after almost 7-8 months, i met one of my friends who is also alim, hafiz e quran and khateeb, he belongs to sajjada family. he never knew that i recited durood shareef whole day. i started telling him that i am in very tough time, he just listened to what i said. i kept meeting him every often. one day he finally told me with light tone "you stopped reciting durood shareef".
    i was surprised how he got to know while i never told him. i then asked him the next day, how you got to know, he replied "the one for whom (Rasoolallah) you were reciting durood shareef has informed me (almost 3 times) to inform you to start reciting durood shareef". i was then so happy that my durood shareef was being listened by Rasoolallah.
    i then started reciting again.
    Alhamdulillah many of my problems keep getting solved by durood shareef’s blessings and had many miracles in life , one such is i got a new life after escaping a near fatal accident with bus where i didn't even get a scratch on my body while the passengers in the bus were almost sure that the bus will run over me and it will be a fatal accident as said by the passengers after the bus stopped.
    till date i am still struggling in life in many aspects but it's only durood shareef which has kept me alive.
    Later on i got to know that my friend whom Rasooallah has informed to ask me to continue reciting durood shareef, has blessed vision to see Rasoolallah whilst awake,subhaanAllah.

    1. Subhaan Allah.....May all your problems go away and may your Durood Pak journey continues.Ameen
